
Contact Us

Centrally located serving all of Illinois...and beyond!

Write, call or email us today for more information at:

WindSolarUSA, Inc.
104 North 6th Street, Suite 300
Springfield, IL 62701

Phone No: (217) 825-4206

Copy the form below and paste it into an email to for a free solar project quote.



Phone Number:

Email Address:

Utility Provider/Account Number:

Mounting Preference:

☐  Ground Mount

☐  Roof Mount

☐  Pick what is best for me based on my resource

If possible, please provide an aerial view of your home/business.  If you are an Ameren customer, a copy of your latest bill will give us the information needed to do system sizing for you- please attach the front page of that bill, that shows the consumption graph for the past 12 months, to the email you send with this information.  If you live in a different utility territory, we will need to contact your utility to request this data and copy you.  You will then need to overwrite the email, as a reply to all, and grant your permission for its release.

Thank you! Please email a Google Earth aerial view of your home/business along with 12 months of kWh consumption data/billed electric amount by month and at least one power bill to We will prepare a preliminary proposal and be back in touch within two business days to schedule a presentation time with you. Go Solar!
